S.S. Lazio 1900
Que serà serà
forever will be will be
we follow the boys in blues
que serà serà.
It's dedicated to the first club born in the Capital, to my Lazio.
Is 9 January 1900, is the beginning of the century. In a Rome that is moving among the ancient carriages and the first electric trams, nine young friends leaded by Luigi Bigiarelli found a "Tracking Association" on a bench along the Tiber in Piazza della Libertà, Rome. "It can not be named Roma, we should give to it a greatest name, a name which Roma is included: Lazio".
The proposal of Bigiarelli is accepted with enthusiasm from his guys: "Colours will draw inspiration from Greece, land of Olympic Games. White and Blue"...
The Society increased over the years the numbers of sports practised up to become the biggest sports club in Europe.The symbol of the S.S.Lazio became the Imperial Eagle, emblem of the ancient Roman legions and image of the greatness of Rome in the world. The current symbol of the club is an eagle that supports the white and blue shield with S.S. Lazio writing in it.
The supporters area of the Olympic Stadium of Rome, where to find the hottest and fierced supporters is the "Curva Nord", one of the curved sector behind the goal.The Curva Nord of Lazio can be considered in its own right, one of the most important supporters of soccer club in the world. Solid, powerful, tireless in supporting the team and ready to come out into the streets for the Lazio and the Laziality. Present always, apart from the placings: in Second Division or in Champions League, the support and quality are always of hight level.
Many of us guys lived it, many others gave lustre, over the years many supporters cluster succession; Irriducibili, Vickings, Eagle Supporters, times and names change but the Curva Nord is always there with its sensational power to support the S.S. Lazio for better or for worse.
You love soccer, I styrongly raccomend you to come for a Lazio match, and for any question, ask me.